Directorate of Medical Education & Research (DMER)
MUMBAI - 400 001.
MH-SSET Procedure for Admission to DM/MCh Superspeciality Courses
A candidate will be eligible for MH-SSET 2011 and for selection/admission to a course in Superspeciality if fulfills following conditions.
The candidate must be an Indian national.
The candidate must possess recognized post graduate degree MD/MS (or its equivalent) from a medical college recognized by MCI. Candidates who have appeared MD/MS or equivalent examinations are also eligible to submit application forms. However, they will be considered for selection, on production of passing certificate of postgraduation degree on the date of preference form filling and counseling.
A permanent MCI/Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC)/any other state council registration is a precondition for appearing for MH-SSET.
The minimum percentage of marks secured by the candidates in the MH-SSET 2011 for the purpose of eligibility for admission to Superspeciality courses shall be 50% for all the candidates.
A candidate who has already acquired a Superspeciality degree course in any one discipline and who has already completed the course is not eligible to apply for any other discipline.
Candidate who are presently under going Superspeciality course in one discipline are not eligible to apply for any other discipline.
The information Brochure and the Application Form will be available for sale at the following offices of the Designated Authorities, from 25/05/2011 to 04/06/2011 excluding Sundays and Government Holidays.
a) Grant Medical College, Byculla, Mumbai - 400 008.
b) B.J. Medical College, Pune - 411 001.
c) Govt. Medical College, Panchakki Road, Aurangabad - 431 001.
d) Govt. Medical College, Hanuman Nagar, Nagpur - 440 003.
The cost of application form along with the information Brochure of MH-SSET-2011 and the examination fee is Rs. 2000/- to be payable by a Demand Draft / Pay Order of any scheduled commercial bank drawn in favour of the “Director, Medical Education & Research, Mumbai” Payable at Mumbai. This amount is not refundable. Brochure and the application forms will not be issued/sent by Post/Courier.
Application form complete in all respects will be accepted in person at the above centers from 25/05/2011 to 04/06/2011 during office hours. Application forms sent through courier / Post will not be accepted.
Admit card :
The Admit card will be issued from DMER office, CET Cell from 14/06/2011 onwards during office hours.
Issue of admit card is just an enabling provision for appearing for MH-SSET and does not imply that the candidate satisfies all the requirements of eligibility conditions for admission.
In case of loss of admit card, it shall be obligatory on the part of candidate to procure duplicate admit card from the DMER Office, CET Cell, Mumbai. On the day of examination the duplicate Admit Card will be given at the examination centre not later than one hour before the commencement of examination. Duplicate Admit Card will be issued only on production of Receipt-cum-Identity card/sufficient evidence to prove that he/she is the genuine/bonafide candidate.
The candidate shall submit only one application form. Submission of more than one form will disqualify the candidate.
For details visit:
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